Health IT Now, 2 Dozen Industry Leaders Urge Support for STREAMLINE Small Cell Deployment Act

WASHINGTON, DC (October 3, 2018): Health IT Now - a broad-based coalition of patient groups, provider organizations, employers, and payers supporting health information technology to improve patient outcomes - joined two dozen industry leaders this week on a new letter of support for S. 3157, the STREAMLINE Small Cell Deployment Act

The bill, sponsored by Senators John Thune (R-SD) and Brian Schatz (D-HI) and first endorsed by Health IT now in July, would streamline the deployment of "small cells" - small wireless facilities that sit atop streetlights, poles, and buildings - which comprised 62 percent of all wireless deployments for the nation's largest wireless provider in 2017 and are central to the building of a seamless, nationwide 5G broadband network. 

Read the letter of support here.
